Ab Wheels


  • Target Body Parts: Abs
  • Equipment Needed: Ab Wheel


Step 1: Kneel on the floor and, with the wheel in front of your legs, place your hands on both sides of the wheel. A pad or mat can be used for your knees for comfort.


Step 2: Keeping your core and upper body tight, roll the wheel forward, going as far as you can without your back rounding or aching. Your elbows should be slightly. Your spine and hips should remain stationary throughout the movement.


Step 3: Use your abs and core to roll the wheel back to your original starting position. Again, your upper body should stay tight throughout the movement. Make sure your abs are doing the work rolling the wheel back and not your arms.


Step 4: Perform each full rep in a controlled manner, completing the desired number of reps until your set is finished. To reduce the risk of injury, do not roll too far until your technique is mastered and you have increased strength during the movement. Your goal should be to get parallel to the floor.



The abdominal wheel presents one of the greatest challenges of any abdominal movement and considerable core strength is required to complete this exercise.

If mastered, it can be a great tool to lean up, build muscle and add remarkable strength to your abs, midsection and core.

Making sure you don’t round your back is crucial for this movement. Not only does it take away the effectiveness of the exercise, it also makes you more prone to a back injury.

If you can manage 3 sets of 20 reps using the abdominal wheel, rest assured that your abs and core will be strong.

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