3 Way Dumbbell Row


  • Target Body Parts: Back
  • Equipment Needed: Bench, Dumbbells


Step 1: After setting dumbbell near a flat bench, kneel over the side of the bench of placing your knee and hand of supporting arm on the bench. Your other leg should be positioned behind you for leverage.


Step 2: Grasp the dumbbell firmly, wrapping your thumb around the dumbbell and your palm facing the bench. The leg that is not on the bench should be slightly bent and your arm on the bench should also be slightly bent. Keep your back tight and maintain a slight arch.


Step 3: Pull the dumbbell off the floor, keeping it close to the bench and lifting it in a straight line until your upper arm goes just beyond horizontal. Do not twist torso when lifting the weight up and try to pull your shoulder blades back when performing the row.



Step 4: After you reach the top of the movement, hold for a split-second and squeeze your back, lowering the dumbbell in a straight line and in a controlled motion. After your desired number of reps, rotate the dumbbell so that your palm is facing backward. Pull the dumbbell up, completing your desired number of reps.

After completing, rotate the dumbbell a third time so that your palm is facing forward. Pull the dumbbell up to complete a rep.


Step 5: Take another breath between reps, exhaling only when reps are completed. Repeat until the desired reps are reached with all three hand positions and then place dumbbells on the floor. Heavier dumbbells can be used on next sets.



Dumbbell Rows are one of the best exercises for building tremendous amounts of thickness, muscle and lat width in your back. They are one of the premier movements for building mass in your back.

They are also great for increasing strength in your upper back, which can be beneficial when trying to improve your deadlift.

These are a great complement to any back workout and can be used as a vital tool to increasing mass and muscle in your back. The constant tension on your back can really develop your lats, increasing width and also thickness in the middle of your back.

Be sure not to swing or jerk the weight up to complete the rep.

The 3-WAY METHOD is a great way to hit your back from a variety of angles, exhausting your muscles in the process.

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