2 Arm Dumbbell Tricep Kickback With Twist


  • Target Body Parts: Tricep
  • Equipment Needed: Two Dumbbells


Step 1: Grab two dumbbells and stand up, placing the dumbbells by your side with your palms facing your body. Your feet should be about shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent.


Step 2: With your knees bent, shift your torso forward and pull your shoulders up (in a slight shrugging motion). This will lock your upper arms into place. Your arms will be bent and at a 90-degree angle to start. Your elbows should also be tucked and positioned close to your side throughout the movement.


Step 3: Keeping your elbows tucked, straighten your arms, pressing the dumbbells down and back in a controlled manner. Your wrists should maintain a neutral position and continue to keep your knees bent and body tight.



Step 4: Continue pressing until arms are straight, but don’t lock them out, twisting the dumbbells so that your palms are facing up to complete the rep. Then twist the dumbbells back to their original position, bend your arms and return the dumbbells to the starting position in a controlled manner.


Step 5: Take a breath between reps, exhaling only when reps are completed. Repeat until the desired reps are reached and then put the dumbbells down. Weight can be increased between sets.



The dumbbell kickback is an ideal exercise for etching out detail in your tricep. While not considered a mass-builder, it is still a solid movement for strengthening and adding muscle in your triceps.

It is also easy to learn and its simplicity and effectiveness makes it an ideal movement for anyone, regardless of their strength level and experience level. Light weight can be used for beginners, and extremely heavy weight can be used for advanced lifters looking to continue to add mass and strength to their triceps.

It is a great supplementary exercise and is an effective movement at the end of a tricep workout.

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